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submission guidelines !



We release bimonthly issues, and are currently open for submissions! 

- We do accept previously published work! Make sure to obtain the consent of the previous platform it was published on.  However, we also encourage you to share the poems that have been confined to your notes app and words that you’ve left unwritten!  Work you've never shared with another living soul is work that is welcome here. 

- Please include any and all trigger warnings at the beginning of your article if it contains graphic elements. We do not tolerate bigotry of any kind - though those topics can be explored, they must be done so respectfully. 

- ORIGINAL SUBMISSIONS ONLY.  We do not, and will not accept plagiarized content, please submit original work. All of you have brilliant brains, and we are artists; not copy machines. 


We know the stress of submitting to platforms (all too well). So, please reach out to us via e-mail or Instagram if any part of this process is unclear or daunting to you. We love you, and we’re here to help! 


♥ Livia Fălcaru —  illustrator & visual artist (1)_edited.jpg

what are we looking for?

Pink Flowers


. We accept writing of any and all kinds. From poetry to creative non-fiction, flash fiction and short stories. While there are no set word limits for the poetry, we would prefer if you kept your CNF, short story and prose submissions under 1000 words.  We mostly publish poetry under 40 lines in our issues, but we hope to diversify to print, and create special editions for CNF! Please ensure the submissions are in a single document, with upto 4 poems, and under 100o words. 


We also accept art, music and photography submissions. Work that adheres to our theme is of priority to us, so survey our numerous Pinterest pages and Spotify playlists for inspiration, and make our theme your own. But we always accept work that has no connection to our theme; something that resonates with us. Send us work that makes you proud. Additionally, include a bio in the third person and information about your creative process in the same document as your submissions!


We would love to give your work a home, and all you have to do is hit send. 


♥ Livia Fălcaru —  illustrator & visual artist (2).png

where to submit?


Submissions, like love, can come to us in many forms.

You can submit to FCZ through this form. If the form is inaccessible, contact us at including a bio describing yourself, and a short paragraph explaining your ideation or thought process that led to the piece!

Please reach out to us regarding any doubts or queries, we’ll be happy to answer them 


Team Filter Coffee


© 2021 by Filter coffee

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